Saturday, August 22, 2009

Back to the Pack

Today it began. The 2009 - 2010 scouting year got off to a great start for Cub Scout Pack 220. To get the year going we (and by we, I mostly mean me) organized a field day. The boys and siblings were invited out for 2 hours this morning to play soccer and flag football. There were 17 cub scouts and a bunch of siblings in attendance. The kids had a great day playing and getting to know each other once again.
This was the first event of the year for our new cubmaster. He did a great job of jumping right in and getting the kids excited. It looks like Pack 220 is going to have a fun, adventurous, educational, and exciting year!!!

The kids were happy to see each other after the long summer break. It didn't take them long to become reacquainted and start having fun.

Cubmaster Alberto got the kids organized and ready to play. He quickly got them back in the habit of using "signs-up" to keep everyone on the same page and paying attention.

After playing soccer and flag football everyone had a snack and posed for a group picture. The boys are excited to get a new year of scouting started!

Cub Scout Pack 220

Ready To Go!!!

1 comment:

Kelly said...

Did the fun entail two kids trying to choke each other? (that is what one pic. looked like!) :o)